2025 Symposium and Brocton CSD Rural Mobile Medical Unit Health and Wellness Initiative Event! TOGETHER, WE CAN!
**This event has grown to cover Erie County, PA, Warren County, PA, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Erie, Allegany and Niagara Counties in WNY! - As of Jan 13 2025, we have over 80 programs that will be represented at this event!**
March 14, 2025 7:30 am to 3 pm / 3:30 pm ( latest - depends on varying factors! ) Doors will be open by 7:30 a.m. - all of the providers may not be quite set up at that time, but you are welcome to come in and have breakfast and then visit with us and attend the lectures! We will be utilizing the large gymnasium, cafeteria and auditorium areas. All areas are accessible! If you cannot attend the lectures in person, there will be an option of attending virtually - just contact Judy Wroda and a link will be sent to you! Please check back as I will update the itinerary and participating medical facilities as they come in!
FREE to attend - - FREE for Supporters of our Communities ( service providers / agencies / physicians offices / etc ) to set up tables to share information and assist those who attend! At this time we have over 68 providers and agencies who will be set up to assist you and share information on the services they represent - over 80 various programs will be represented, ranging from programs that assist elders, children, families, youth, communities, homeowners, grandparents and schools!
FREE breakfast for all who attend!
Food trucks will be on site for lunch and snack purchases! Door prizes will be given out at the end of the event! This event will be held at Brocton Central School, 138 W Main ( Rt 20 ), Brocton NY on Friday, March 14, 2025. Plenty of parking in the back lot! Front lot is reserved for mobile medical units and emergency vehicles.
Please bring insurance card if you are utilizing any of the medical/dental offerings throughout the day! Minors must be accompanied by parents if they are wanting to participate in the medical/dental offerings throughout the day!
Our Speakers this year are:
Rodney Buchanan, Westfield Memorial Hospital Administrator - Rodney will be sharing his thoughts on this year's theme, TOGETHER, WE CAN!, bringing providers, physicians, dentists, mental health providers and others together to support our rural communities - bringing health equity and accessibility to those who normally would not be able to access these services! Together, we can do this!
Christopher Ramnauth, Veteran's Administration - Chris will be sharing mental health resources and guidance for our veterans and their families! He will speak on the importance of our mental health wellness and how good mental health effects our everyday lives, our physical well-being, our relationships with our families and others - this will be a great lecture for all!
Mary Beth Dreyer, Upstate Poison Control - Mary will be sharing information on opioids, addiction, recovery, dangers of having them in your home without the proper safety precautions, as well as sharing information on other medications and items in your home that may pose a threat to your little ones, and others in the home if an addiction is present.
Saraden Randall - Child Advocacy Program ( CAP ) - Saraden will be sharing information on child abuse issues, trafficking, signs of trafficking, how we all can help children who are being neglected, abused, trafficked, proper procedures for reporting and what happens when a child is being assisted by CAP!
Kristi Moscato, Person Centered Services and Mom - Kristi will be sharing a heartfelt story about the adventures, trials, laughter, unknowns of raising a child living with a disability. This first-hand sharing will allow other parents to understand that they are not alone, there is hope and help, and that they do matter in their child's life.
Mobile Medical Units and Medical Services offered throughout the day:
The Chautauqua Center will have the Mobile Medical Unit on site for the day and will be offering the following services to anyone who would like to partake of the offerings:
Dr. Chen will be utilizing the mobile medical unit to perform well-child visits, with (likely) some basic immunizations. TCC will also have Dentist, Dr. Hutter who will provide basic dental exams/cavity checks in the BCSD Nurse's Office!
Roswell Cancer Center will be on site to share information about various forms of cancer and treatment options available
UPMC Chautauqua will be on site to visit with everyone regarding services they offer and perform Blood Pressure checks!
VET CENTER will have their mobile unit on site for Veteran's and their families to utilize throughout the day - see Tony Rietz at the VA table to access services in their Mobile Unit!
WNY Urology will be on site to provide PSA blood tests to men to check for prostate cancer!
Erie Retinal Services will be on site to perform free retinal exams, with free follow-up if issues are detected!
Oishei Children's Hospital / Kaleida Health will be onsite to distribute and fit (free) children's helmets, gun locks and CO2 smoke alarms!
Allegheny Health Network (AHN ), Westfield Memorial Hospital will be on site to share information on various health concerns and to discuss women's breast care and other health issues
Erin Gaken, Brooks Hospital - Erin will be on site to share information on services the new Brooks Hospital will be bringing to Chautauqua County and beyond! Feel free to visit with her at the Brooks Memorial Hospital table!
BOCES Nursing students will be on hand to assist physicians and visitors!
This is a full day event that is open to all who would like to attend! There are services and information on issues that are relevant to elders, children, youth, new parents, vets, schools, grandparents, foster parents, libraries, churches, social workers, - absolutely everyone!
To register, for more information, to volunteer to bring your agency to the event, please call Miss Judy Wroda, PCC CM ILS at 716 661 3010 (office) or on her cell at 716 450 3960 - you can email Judy at judy@ilc-jamestown-ny.org, as well!
Busti Church of God Rural Mobile Medical Unit Health and Wellness Initiative Event! Stay tuned for updates as the event gets closer! If you would like to participate, please call Judy Wroda at 716 661 3010 / 716 450 3960
SILC has staff that go to area schools and assist the students, staff and parents!
The schedule for Judy Wroda is:
Brocton Central School - Tuesdays 9 a.m. until 2 / 2:30p.m.