Executive Director Marie T. Carrubba is the first and only Executive Director SILC has had. In 1983 Michael Raymond of The Resource Center hired Marie to be the Director. Marie is a graduate of the SUNY at Buffalo Law School and is a licensed attorney. Marie is active in the community having served as member and Chair of the Board of Directors of both The Resource Center and Chautauqua Opportunities. Marie's law degree has enabled her to represent persons seeking Social Security benefits at the Administrative Law Judge hearing level. Her duties also include directing the staff of SILC. She has received training in the field of implementation of the ADA, the Americans with Disabilities Act. Marie is available to address social and civic organizations on a variety of subjects. For more information, please contact SILC at (716) 661-3010.
Jim began this career with SILC in January of 2012 in the position of bookkeeper. Jim's responsibilities include financial bookkeeping, purchasing, and grant reporting. Jim also oversees SILC's loan closet and equipment rentals. Jim can be reached at (716) 661 - 3010.
Mark started his career with SILC in October of 2013. Mark is an Independent Living Specialist and assists participants with completing Social Security forms, selecting Medicare plans, Independent living skills training, and peer support. The assistance that Mark provides is free to the consumer. Before coming to work at SILC, Mark was employed by The Resource Center in vocational rehabilitation / employment services for 19 years. Mark can be reached at (716) 661 - 3010.
David started his career with SILC in 2016. He is responsible for the “Open Doors” program. Open Doors main objective is to focus on assisting people who currently live in nursing homes who would like to transition back into the community with home and community based services. This includes providing information and making referrals about the services and supports that are available to them in their local communities. Part of this program is to remove systemic barriers to the transition, thus enabling the person to live in a place that is more suited to their needs and liking. This program is grant based so it is free of charge to the consumer. David is a 2005 graduate of Jamestown Community College with a degree in Business Administration. David also enjoys a good game of Scrabble. He can be reached at (716) 484-4145.
Robin joined SILC in July of 2018. Robin is a lifelong resident of Chautauqua County and is our Medicaid Facilitated Enroller. She will be assisting the elderly, legally blind and disabled persons in Chautauqua County. Robin's goal is to assist people in navigating the application process, and data collection process, that is involved in applying for Medicaid. Robin would like you to know that Medicaid is a great supplemental health insurance for those who already have other coverage, as it may be able to assist with remaining costs that your primary insurance doesn't cover, including co-pays, dental and prescriptions. She would also like you to know that her services are free of charge! Robin can be reached at (716) 661 - 3010.
Afroula has over 25 years of experience working for a not-for-profit agency as an Administrative & Support Services Coordinator. Her career with SILC began January 24, 2022. Afroula is a graduate of Gannon University with a degree in Business Administration. In her spare time, she enjoys walking, cooking, traveling, and spending time with her family. Afroula can be reached at (716) 661-3010 extension 216.
Amy is SILC's Administrative Assistant. She came to SILC in 2015 a a volunteer and then became a part-timer in July of 2017. Amy attended Jamestown Community College. Amy is responsible for various office duties and is an integral part of the SILC family. She is responsible for answering phones, filing, and assisting consumers when they walk-in or call in. Amy also assists with our transportation services. You can contact Amy at (716) 661 - 3010.
In Sept of 2018, Jerry Nutt joined the team at SILC as a part-time driver. When not behind the wheel, he can be found organizing records in the archives and assisting other staff as needed. When filling in at the switchboard, Jerry is happy to help schedule transportation or direct your call to the appropriate person. Jerry can be reached at (716) 661 - 3010.
Judy joined the staff at SILC in September of 2017. Judy is a Person / Family Centered Counselor, NY Certified Case Manager, and Independent Living Specialist. Judy assists all persons, of all ages (birth to elders), regardless of income, ability / disability, with her services also being free of charge to the consumer/participant. Judy is able to assist persons in deciding what services would be best suited to their needs by working closely with her participant in developing their person centered plan, utilizing person centered counseling practices. Judy is also trained as a NY Certified Case Manager and assists persons until a permanent Case Manager / Care Coordinator is assigned to them. Judy also is adept in assisting other agencies within Chautauqua County, such as local law enforcement, school districts, attorneys, hospitals and physicians' offices, food banks, churches, and all other agencies within the county. Judy works with all organizations in Chautauqua County to ensure she is up to date on their programs so that she may better assist her participants. Judy also is instrumental in developing various community events, that include other service providers, with the purpose of inviting the public to come, visit and learn about services that are offered within the county. Judy has developed the Annual Family, School, and Community Connections Symposium that brings educators, service providers and families together to share information, concerns and needs within Chautauqua County. Judy has also developed the Rural Mobile Medical Unit Health and Wellness Initiative, which strives to bring health services to those who reside in the more rural areas of Chautauqua County in order to achieve health equity and ensure our rural residents have the ability to access quality health care, mental health care, dental care and other services they need to live a healthy life. Judy also speaks at international, national and state conferences, bringing new insights to challenges our children, families and communities are currently facing. Judy can be reached at (716) 661 - 3010, or on her cell phone 716 - 450 - 3960 (best way to reach her ).
A note to our participants and general public: A majority of our services are free to our participants. There are two exceptions that may incur a fee: 1. Transportation 2. Social Security appeals that we handle for you.
If a staff member requests payment from you for any other service, please report this to our Executive Director immediately by calling our office ( 716 661 3010 ). If there are other issues that arise, please follow these steps. If you are uncomfortable at any time, please contact whom you are comfortable with speaking to regarding your issue so that we can come to an agreeable resolution.
How do I Resolve Disagreements with Independent Living Centers?
ACCES-VR recommends taking the following steps when problems occur:
How to Find Out More about Independent Living?
The Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), Centers Administration Unit is responsible for administering the New York State Independent Living Program. For information about Independent Living Centers and programs in New York State, contact:
Rookmini Mangal
Independent Living Services
89 Washington Avenue, Room 580 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 486-3777
(800) 222-5627 (Voice/TTY, toll free)