Some assistance and information regarding your cooling and heating expenses!
Sometimes we need help with our utility costs - and NYS Department of Public Utilities has some programs and information to assist you with this!
St. Luke's Monday Night Cafe' - fresh, homemade meal prepared by the local Amish community! Come and share a meal with us, visit a bit and take the opportunity to freshen up your culinary skills! St Luke's - 410 N Main St., Jamestown, NY - 716 483 6405
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911 Health / home emergency
988 Crisis / suicidal thoughts / mental health issue
1 800 950 6264 NAMI National Alliance on Mental Health
1 800 799 7233 National Domestic Violence Hotline
1 800 273 8255 National Veteran's Crisis Hotline
1 877 726 4727 SAMHSA Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Admin.
Chautauqua County APS ( Adult Protective Services )
716 753 4447 Mayville Area
716 363 4447 Dunkirk / Fredonia Area
716 661 7447 Jamestown Area
Chautauqua County CPS ( Child Protective Services )
716 753 8212 Mayville Area
716 363 8212 Dunkirk / Fredonia Area
716 661 8212 Jamestown Area
1 888 373 7888 / 911 National Human Trafficking Hotline
1 866 347 2423 US Dept of Homeland Security (to report suspected trafficking activity)
Report suspected child prostitution activity to the CyberTipline:
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, at 1-800-THE-LOST or , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Congressionally-authorized CyberTipline is operated by a nongovernmental organization and provides a means for reporting crimes against children and is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Here are some videos you can share with your children regarding various forms of abuse and what the child can do, who they can tell, discussions on their emotions / feelings - please share these videos with every child you know -
Chautauqua County Addiction Information / Assistance / Narcan Information
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PROJECT LIFE SAVER - Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office (716) 753 - 4232
Check with your cell phone or home phone company, as well as your home alarm company,
as most of these businesses also have personal safety devices available!
LIFE ALERT 1 - 800 - 813 - 6440
ADT 1 - 800 - 741 - 6082
GREAT CALL 1 - 866 - 829 - 4527
ALLIED ALARM SERVICES 1 - 888 - 665 - 6701
OFFICE FOR THE AGING 716 - 753 - 4582
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Need help applying for SNAP ( food stamps ) - please call your local FEEDMORE WNY representative at 716 208 8688 (Brooke Barone ). Brooke is able to come to your home, do applications over the phone, or assist with an online application for SNAP! Share this number with anyone who may need help with SNAP!
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HEAP: Please remember that if you are qualified for SNAP, then you are automatically qualified for HEAP. If you are not sure if you qualify for HEAP ( which has much higher income limits than SNAP ), please call the HEAP office at (716)753 4385.
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The HEAP programs HERR and Clean and Tune are available to you if you receive HEAP benefits!
The Heating Equipment Repair/Replacement program is intended to provide assistance for repairing or replacing essential primary home heating equipment. You must have an in person interview in either the South County Office Building, 110 E. Fourth Street, Jamestown, NY 14701 or in the Dunkirk office at 319 Central Avenue, Dunkirk, NY 14048.
Eligibility for HERR
Eligible persons must be the documented homeowner of the dwelling where the heating equipment is in need of repair or replacement and have both owned and resided in the dwelling for the 12 months preceding the month of application. Eligibility must be determined and approved by the Department of Health and Human Services prior to any work being done on the heating equipment.
Additional information regarding the HERR program can be obtained by calling
(716) 661-8163 or (716) 661-8818.
Eligible households can receive energy efficiency services, which includes the cleaning of primary heating equipment, but may also include chimney cleaning, minor repairs, installation of carbon monoxide detectors or programmable thermostats, if needed, to allow for the safe, proper and efficient operation of the heating equipment. Benefit amounts are based on the actual cost incurred to provide clean and tune services. No additional HEAP cash benefits are available.
Eligibility for Clean and Tune:
Additional information regarding the Clean and Tune program
can be obtained by calling (716) 753-4385.
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HUD NO. 20-099
July 1, 2020
HUD Updates Equal Access Rule, Returns Decision Making to Local Shelter Providers
Rule upholds Department’s commitment to fair treatment of all individuals while allowing shelter providers to establish an admissions policy that best serves their unique communities
WASHINGTON - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced a proposed modification to the 2016 portion of the Equal Access rule. The Equal Access rule requires all HUD funded housing services to be provided without discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The new rule allows shelter providers that lawfully operate as single-sex or sex-segregated facilities to voluntarily establish a policy that will govern admissions determinations for situations when an individual’s gender identity does not match their biological sex. Each shelter’s policy is required to be consistent with state and local law, must not discriminate based on sexual orientation or transgender status, and may incorporate practical considerations of shelter providers that often operate in difficult conditions. The proposed rule modifications also better accommodate religious beliefs of shelter providers. For example, such policies could be based on biological sex, sex as identified on official government identification, or the current rule’s mandate of self-identified gender identity.
“This important update will empower shelter providers to set policies that align with their missions, like safeguarding victims of domestic violence or human trafficking,” said Secretary Carson. “Mission-focused shelter operators play a vital and compassionate role in communities across America. The Federal Government should empower them, not mandate a single approach that overrides local law and concerns. HUD also wants to encourage their participation in HUD programs. That’s exactly what we are doing with this rule change.”
All shelters serving a specific sex must provide people who they do not accommodate with information about other shelters in the area that can meet their needs. Similarly, if a shelter elects in its policy to accommodate persons whose gender identity is different from their sex, persons who have concerns with being housed with persons of a different biological sex, such concerned persons must be provided a referral to a facility whose policy is based on biological sex. The Department will continue to maintain the 2012 portion of the Equal Access Rule which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Every participant has the right to see their own service file. It is the right of only the participant to authorize the use of any information in their file. This authorization must be requested in writing. Access to service files shall be given to the Executive Director and the staff providing direct service. The specific written request of the participant must identify what information can be released and to whom, i.e., general and/or HIV related, drug, narcotic, or alcohol use information. No information will be released without written permission of the participant. Participants will be given a formalized appeal process in writing to remedy any unsatisfactory situations.
PARTICIPANT APPEAL PROCESS It is SILC’s policy to provide effective and acceptable means for participants to bring problems and complaints concerning their receipt of services to the appropriate persons. Participants are encouraged to settle grievances informally through discussion with staff providing services and/or using the resources of the Executive Director. If this does not remedy the situation any participant may bring up a grievance in the following manner.
Step 1 – Submit a written statement of the grievance to the Executive Director, including notes of any informal meeting and discussions. This should be done promptly. The Executive Director has the responsibility of responding to the grievance within 5 business days. If necessary, a meeting will be set up to take place no later than 3 business days from the time the grievance was first submitted to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will render a decision. Written record shall be kept of this grievance and resolution and placed in the participant's file. If the Executive Director fails to respond to the grievance, or the participant believes the decision is not acceptable, or if a solution has been reached but is not adhered to, they may proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 – Submit a written statement of the grievance to the Executive Committee, including notes of any meetings or discussions. This should be done promptly. The Executive Committee has the responsibility of responding to the grievance within 10 business days. If necessary, a meeting will be set up to take place no later than 8 business days from the time the grievance was first submitted to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will render a decision. Written record shall be kept of this grievance and resolution and placed in the participant's file. If the Executive Committee fails to respond to the grievance or the participant believes the decision is not acceptable, or if a solution has been reached but is not adhered to, they may proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 – Participant submits a statement of the grievance and all other pertinent materials to the Board of Directors. This should be done promptly – no later than 5 business days after the resolution of Step 2. The President shall set up a meeting with all concerned individuals and the Board of Directors to respond to the grievance 10 business days after receiving the grievance. After, due consideration of the materials and data presented the Board will render a decision in writing with copies to the Personnel Committee and the Executive Director. A copy will be maintained in the participant’s file. In all cases, the decision of the Board of Directors shall be binding. (If the grievance is with the Executive Director, the process will start with Step 3).
Step 4 – If the participant is not satisfied with the Board of Directors decision, the participant has the right to contact Joseph Tedesco, M. S. CRC, Manager, Independent Living Services, NY State Education Department at Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS VR), at (518) 473 6829, or, by mail to Joseph Tedesco, NYSED ACCES, 89 Washington Ave., EBA 5th Floor, Room 580, Albany, NY 12234. All records and documents kept by SILC on participants are subject to review by appropriate funding sources and can be subpoenaed by courts. The rules of confidentiality are not protected by law when injury to self or others is at stake.
STATEMENT OF SELF-DIRECTION Southwestern Independent Living Center, Inc. (SILC) must assist individuals with disabilities in exercising more freedom and control over their own lives. Therefore, whenever possible, the individuals receiving services shall be instrumental in identifying needed services and the delivery of these services. Participants will be encouraged to:
1. Develop their own goals.
2. Direct delivery of services using their own abilities.
3. At all times participants should be experiencing self-advocacy.
4. SILC staff will not impose their own judgment upon the participant. I understand my rights and responsibilities as a participant of SILC services that no information is to be released to any other person outside the SILC, or agency, without my written consent and that I have the right to a grievance process. I have also been provided with phone numbers to direct any complaints regarding SILC services.
Name_____________________________________ Date__________________________
Witness___________________________________ Date__________________________
(Participant Rights/Confidentiality)
(Updated 06/09/2020)
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A note to our participants and general public:
A majority of our services are free to our participants. There are two exceptions that may incur a fee:
1. Transportation
2. Social Security appeals that we handle for you
If a staff member requests payment from you for any other service, please report this to our Executive Director immediately ( 716 661 3010 ).
If there are other issues that arise, please follow these steps. If you are uncomfortable at any time, please contact whom you are comfortable with speaking to regarding your issue so that we can come to an agreeable resolution.
How do I Resolve Disagreements with Independent Living Centers?
ACCES-VR recommends taking the following steps when problems occur:
How to Find Out More about Independent Living?
The Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), Centers Administration Unit is responsible for administering the New York State Independent Living Program. For information about Independent Living Centers and programs in New York State, contact:
Rookmini Mangal
Independent Living Services
89 Washington Avenue, Room 580 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 486-3777
(800) 222-5627 (Voice/TTY, toll free)
We can assist you in obtaining information for making buildings and facilities more accessible.