Our goal is to empower individuals to more effectively define and control decisions that affect their lives by providing the following services:
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL: A computerized directory, developed by our staff, provides information about various agencies throughout Chautauqua County that serve people with disabilities. The resource library includes information on independent living aids, local equipment vendors, various disabling conditions, accessibility standards, as well as information about programs outs of Chautauqua County.
ADVOCACY: Individuals experiencing difficulties in obtaining benefits or access to services will be advised of the legal and civil rights of persons with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on participants advocating for themselves, however, any assistance required in securing benefits or rights will be provided.
BENEFITS ADVISEMENT: Benefits advisement is available for people who are SSI and / or SSDI recipients who would like to understand how working will affect these and other, benefits such as medicaid and medicare. Our goal is to help participants maximize employment opportunities through benefits advisement.
HOUSING: Accessible housing is a primary concern of individuals with disabilities seeking assistance towards an independent lifestyle. SILC maintains a list of subsidized housing options which are accessible, or can easily be made accessible / modified. SILC staff will assist individuals in locating or adapting present or future homes to the individual's own needs.
BARRIERS: SILC will assist individuals with disabilities with consultation and advocacy concerned with the removal of architectural barriers.
CERTIFIED AGING IN PLACE SPECIALIST (CAPS): Miss Judy Wroda is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and is able to come to your home and assist in determining what modifications would best suit your specific needs and lifestyle. This service is great for persons who live with a disability and having issues navigating in their home, persons with acquired disabilities who are experiencing new challenges in their home/life, persons who are aging and want to make their home more accessible so that they may live out their days in their own home instead of going to a facility or elsewhere.
PEER SUPPORT: Disabled individuals meet with our staff to discuss common experiences, support one another's efforts, and provide guidance toward the common goal of increased independence. Peer counselors are available to provide support and help individuals in areas of coping and adjustment.
INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS AND TRAINING: Independent living skills development includes training in community mobility, home management, personal care attendant selection and supervision, self-care, financial management, time management, consumer affairs, social skills, sexuality, educational and vocational options, and wheelchair maintenance.
TRANSPORTATION: Appropriate referral to community services and driver training will be made to individuals with transportation needs. When necessary, SILC will provide transportation in a wheelchair accessible van for participants of the center needing to look at available housing, consult with center staff, or utilize services otherwise unavailable to them. Other trips will be made at the discretion of the agency.
TDD: SILC utilizes the NY State 711 Relay Service for deaf participants to contact the agency.
INTERPRETERS: referral services for hearing impaired or speech impaired persons.
PERSONAL CARE: SILC provides assistance in locating, selecting, and supervising personal care attendants.
EQUIPMENT LOANS: SILC has wheelchairs, walkers and other personal equipment available for loan.
A note to our participants and general public:
A majority of our services are free to our participants. There are two exceptions that may incur a fee:
1. Transportation
2. Social Security appeals that we handle for you
If a staff member requests payment from you for any other service, please report this to our Executive Director immediately ( 716 661 3010 ).
If there are other issues that arise, please follow these steps. If you are uncomfortable at any time, please contact whom you are comfortable with speaking to regarding your issue so that we can come to an agreeable resolution.
How do I Resolve Disagreements with Independent Living Centers?
ACCES-VR recommends taking the following steps when problems occur:
How to Find Out More about Independent Living?
The Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), Centers Administration Unit is responsible for administering the New York State Independent Living Program. For information about Independent Living Centers and programs in New York State, contact:
Rookmini Mangal
Independent Living Services
89 Washington Avenue, Room 580 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 486-3777
(800) 222-5627 (Voice/TTY, toll free)
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